Custom Field Mapping

Zach Lewis
Zach Lewis
  • Updated

All integrations come with a standard set of fields to map data from or to depending upon which type of integration you select. In many cases, this set of fields allows you to sync the majority of data you’d like. However, some products allow you to extend their standard set of fields through additional custom fields or properties — particularly enterprise applications. It’s also common that critical metadata is contained in those custom fields and should be standardized to ensure optimal results.

In order to target data in these custom fields via an integration, you can use custom field mappings to extend the base set of fields our integrations offer.

Supported Integrations

Custom field mappings are available for any integrations where the product allows custom fields or properties to be created. Currently, you can add custom field mappings to the Branch and Adobe Experience Manager integrations.

If you have data in a custom field you’d like to sync through an integration other than those listed above, please contact your CSM.

Set Up Custom Mappings

Custom mappings are linked to each connected account you set up. To learn more about how to set up a connected account, see the Accounts Overview article.

Below is a video example of adding Custom Field Mapping to an AEM account.

To set up custom field mappings on a connected account:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Accounts.

  2. Click the Account Name to open and edit a current configuration or the blue plus sign in the top right to add a new Account.

  3. Enter Username and Password credentials.

  4. Click Custom Field Mappings to expand the section at the bottom.

  5. Enter the API-friendly name of the field in the Remote Entity field (if you’re unsure, please contact the admin for that system at your organization or your CSM).

  6. Enter a user-friendly name in the Field Label field. This is only used for display when mapping fields on a template.
    Add "custom" at the end of the user-friendly name to make it clear it is a custom field.

  7. Click the Add New button to add multiple custom mappings.

  8. Click Save to save the connected account.

All done! Now, these custom fields will be available as field mappings when you configure an integration using this connected account.

Use Custom Mappings in an Integration

Once you have custom field mappings setup, you can access them while you setup mappings on an integration.

Below is a video example of adding the AEM Custom Field Mapping into an AEM Template.

To map data to a newly configured custom field, you will need to:

  1. Navigate to an existing template or create a new template. Read the Create a Template Start to Finish walk-through article.

  2. Navigate to Step 3 - Connect.

  3. Open an existing integration or click the plus sign (+) to add a new Inbound or Outbound integration, depending on if you are bringing data in or sending data out, to add a new Integration.

  4. Click to Add New Mapping.

  5. In the Map from {integration} drop-down list, type-search or scroll through the list to select a new custom field. In the Map to Claravine drop-down list, type-search or scroll select the field in the template to map to.
    Only fields that have been added in Step 2 - Define and Govern will be available to map to.

  6. Click Save to save your template.

After the save completes, the next scheduled sync will either sync data to/from the custom field depending on what integration you are using.

Remove Custom Mappings

To remove a custom field mapping, you will need to:

  1. Navigate to the connected Account.

  2. Click to edit its configuration in the sidebar.

  3. Click to expand the Custom Field Mappings section at the bottom of the edit menu.

  4. Click the delete button next to any of the custom mappings.

  5. Click Save to save the connected account.
    Important Note: Removing custom field mappings will impact any syncs that use a custom field mapping. Please be sure to remove any field mappings to the custom field on all integrations prior to deleting the field mapping itself.

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