Templates Overview

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated

Templates is the area of Claravine where the Administrator or Manager combines any patterns and field sets to configure the Submission Table. Administrators will configure templates with the appropriate URL output, link validation, and input and output configurations.

About Templates

Template Prerequisites: Account and Target

  • You must have a connected Account and Target if you want to send metadata to Adobe or Google Analytics (if using dimension widening).
  • If you have recently updated the classifications or dimensions, resave your Target to Sync New Adobe Classifications to Claravine.
  • If the template is using basic UTM parameters and is not using UTM ID or connecting to Adobe, an Account and Target are not needed.

Template Elements: Patterns, Pick Lists, and Field Sets


  • Patterns generate a Key (aka tracking code, campaign code, CID, UTM ID, etc.) which are not required in a template but will generate a locked taxonomy structure for URLs and Analytics. Create a new Pattern if needed.
  • If the template is using basic UTM parameters, you do not need Patterns.

Pick Lists

  • Create any new Drop Down, Dependent, or Drill Down Pick Lists that will be used in this template.
  • Rename column headers to make it easy to associate your list columns to fields in the next step.

Field Sets

  • Create a new Field Set by one of the following methods: from scratch, import the field names from a Target, import the field names from a Pick List, or duplicate another field set.
  • Define each field type as Text, List, Concatenate, Constant, Autofill, or Date.
  • Every column of a Pick List must have an associated field if you intend to use the column values in your template.
  • Confirm the Target Mapping to designate which classification/dimension the data will be sent to in Adobe/Google Analytics.
  • Descriptions show as tooltips in the submission table.

Template Organization: Folders

  • Folders are used to organize templates and control users' access. If you add a template to an existing Folder, Groups given access to that Folder will automatically have access to the new Template.
  • If this is a new Folder, be sure to go to Groups and assign the Folder (or Template only) and Users.

View a Template

Administrators and Managers with template-management permissions have the ability to view and manage Templates.

To view Template:

  1. Click Settings on the Navigation menu.
  2. Click Templates in the Sub-Navigation menu.

The Templates page displays.

You can view the following information about Templates:

  • Name
  • Updated Date
  • Patterns
  • Field Sets
  • Description

The sort feature is available for all columns. You can sort all columns in ascending or descending order.

Create a Template

Define and govern Patterns, Field Sets, URL output, link validation, and input and/or output configurations to design the user’s Submission Table and processing. For Administrators needing additional information about configuring the prerequisite Template Elements, refer to the Patterns Overview, Pick Lists Overview, Templates & Field Sets, and Field Sets Overview documents.

Creating a template requires several steps and we recommend an order of operations for an easy creation process. Follow the steps below in order to create a new template with ease. Included are tips and important reminders in each step.

You can create a template either by creating a brand-new template (as described below, using Adobe Analytics as an example) or duplicating an existing template.

Create a New Template

These instructions use Adobe Analytics as an example of creating a new template.

To create a template:

  1. Navigate to Settings --> Templates.
    The Templates page displays.

  2. Click Add (the plus + icon) to create a New Template.
    The Edit New Template menu displays.


There are 3 steps to create a new submission template:

Step 1. Setup


  1. Enter the Template Name of the template (required).
  2. Enter the Description (optional). It is recommended to enter a description to make it easier to determine the use of the template.
  3. Select the Folder (or create a new folder) this template is assigned to. Templates within a Folder are immediately available to users of a Group if that Folder is assigned to the Group.
    If you create a new Folder, be sure to associate it to the Group so users have access to it.
  4. Check the box Require Submission Name if users must assign a submission name before being able to submit the data.
    You must create a Template Name and Folder before you can save the template.


Step 2. Define and Govern

Define and govern Fields, Patterns, and Link.

Define and Govern: Fields

Select fields for the template to manage the field ordering, set the required or optional status, and visible or invisible status in the schema.

  1. Click + Select Fields.

  2. Check the box to select all the fields in the Field Set or click the drop down menu to select individual fields.

    Use the Search field to find a specific field name across all Field Sets.

  3. Click Select Fields. The fields selected are added to the end of the schema. Fields within a Field Set share the same color in the second column for easy reference.


    Add a field into an existing Field Set, or create a new Field Set in the +Add Fields menu. If you are using a Target to send data to Adobe, remember to go into the Field Set and assign the Target Mapping.

  4. Reorder the fields as they should appear in the user's Submission Table.
    • Manual: Drag the field into the order you desire.
    • Custom: Reorder Mode mceclip5.pngallows the administrator to easily order the fields (reorder menu options left to right).
    • Move the field to the first position
    • Move the field up one position
    • Move the field down one position
    • Move the field to the last position
    • Select the field number to reassign the field order, field number is on the right

  5. All fields default to Visible. Uncheck the box if you want the field to be hidden from the Submission Table view.


    Hide any fields the user does not need to see, such as dependent variables and fields, constant values, autofilled values to reduce the number of columns they do not need to enter a value in.

  6. If the Required Field governance has not been assigned at the Field Set level, you can check the Required box per field.

  7. Hover over the green plus (+) icon to view the Edit options, and click to remove the field from the template.
  8. If the Field utilizes a drill-down list and needs to be defaulted at the template level (e.g., Global Region needs to be defaulted to “Global North”), hover over the green plus (+) icon to view the Edit options, and click Edit (pencil icon) and use the drop down menu to Select Filter Value.

  9. Hover over the Field Type to view the Field Type details. If the field is a List, the list name will be visible. If the field is a drill list and the Filter Value has been set, the list name and default value will be visible.

Define and Govern: Patterns

  1. Click + Select Pattern.
  2. Check the box to select the Patterns needed on this template.

  3. Click Select Patterns.
    The Parent Pattern field (reflects the final Pattern in the user's Submission Table view) and the Pattern’s Element fields appear automatically at the end of the schema.

    The Parent Pattern and Element fields share the same color in the second column for easy reference.
  4. Define the Pattern to send to Adobe as the Key/Trackingcode. Hover over the green plus (+) icon to view the Edit options, and click Edit (pencil icon) to Associate Field Set data to the Pattern. This step indicates to Claravine that the output of the Pattern (e.g., SOC_FB_E25F4MOYGL|34) is the Key (aka tracking code, campaign ID, campaign code, CID, etc.) and the values entered in the fields of the Associated Field Set will be sent to Adobe as metadata classifications.

    Without this association, no metadata will be sent to Adobe and the classifications will be unspecified.
  5. If the Pattern Element is a variable it must be defined in the template. The errors icon will indicate a warning that this field must be governed. Hover over the green plus (+) icon to view the Edit options, and click Edit (pencil icon) to define and govern the Pattern Element variable:

    • List: Select the List Name and Column.
    • Autofill: Add the Field from the Field Set to autofill from (see Define and Govern Fields). Transform to autofill values into all capitals, all lowercase, remove spaces, or replace spaces.
    • Constant: Enter the value.
    • Text: Select the Type as Text and add governance.

      If the pattern variable is a date, autofilled value, or pick list value, open the edit menu and designate the field to autofill from.

      See more details in Template and Schema Tips help section.

    • Click the error icon to see all errors and warnings on the template. Errors need to be fixed before the template can be saved. Warnings will not block saving the template but should be reviewed to confirm the configuration is accurate.

Define and Govern: Link

To add and define a template-generated link:

  1. Click + Add Link Field.
    The Link field is automatically added to the end of the schema.

  2. Hover over the green plus (+) icon to view the Edit options, and click Edit (pencil icon) to edit the Link requirements and parameters.
    The Edit Link menu displays.

Link Definition

  1. Rename the Link column header as seen in the user's Submission Table (optional).

  2. Autofill the Link column from another field in the schema (optional). This is helpful if the user is entering a Vanity URL field and does not want to also enter the URL in the Link column.

    Customize Link Parameters
  3. Customize the Link parameters to generate the URL as desired.
    1. Enter the landing page parameter as designated.
    2. Select the Pattern or other field to populate with this parameter.
    3. Check the box to URL Encode if you want the final URL to be UTF encoded. Encoding the URL will convert any special characters to encoded characters ( colon : becomes %3A, spaces become %20).
    4. Click +Add Parameters to add as many parameters as needed for the URL requirements.
    5. Confirm the final URL is correct in the Current Configuration line.

      Allowed Domains
    6. Input the domain and click Enter after each domain to restrict the domains that are allowed for this template. Leaving this field open allows any domain to be used (optional).

      Link Validations
    7. Select which Link Validations must be checked when the user enters a domain in the Link column of the user's Submission Table. All Link Validations are defaulted off. Click the box to define the validation checks.

      • General Website Validation: Validated general website functionality, the page exists, the Link+Link Parameters will take the consumer to the final destination correctly, tags are firing correctly.

      • Adobe Analytics: Validate Adobe Analytics pixels, report suites, and reports are tagged correctly on the landing page. These validations confirm the Link is firing and sending data to the same report suite and report which the Pattern and metadata classifications are sending to.
        • Verify Adobe Pixel: Verify that the links submitted by users fire an Adobe Analytics Pixel. This validation ensures that URL parameters trigger the correct Pixels on the page.
        • Verify Report Suite>Inherit through a Target: Select a Claravine Target to specify which report suite to check for (rsid). Report is defaulted to the report specified in the Target.
        • Verify Report Suite>Explore my Report Suites: Select the Connected Adobe Account and select a report suite to check. Select the report.
        • Verify Report Suite>Input by Hand: Enter the rsid manually to check. Enter the eVar manually.
      • Google Analytics: Validate Google Analytics pixels and Property IDs are tagged correctly on the landing page. These validations confirm the Link is firing and sending data to the same Property that the Pattern and metadata classifications are sending to.
        • Verify Google Pixel: Verify that the links submitted by users fire a Google Analytics Pixel. This validation ensures that URL parameters trigger the correct Pixels on the page.
        • Verify Property ID>Inherit through a Target: Select a Claravine Target to specify which Property ID to check.
        • Verify Property ID>Explore my Properties: Select the Connected Google Analytics Account and select a Property ID to check.
        • Verify Property ID>Input by Hand: Enter the Property ID manually to check.
    8. Add multiple Validation configurations to check for several rsid/eVars or Google Property IDs.
    9. Click Done.

Step 3. Connect

Connect inbound and outbound integrations for this template.

Inbound Integrations

Map metadata from a Connected Account to fields in this template as an inbound submission. Use the Inbound Integration to map the inbound data fields to the template fields, when new data is found, Claravine will bring that data in as a new submission. Completed inbound data will be found in Submission, inbound data with errors will be found in Pending as Paused-With Errors submissions. Request configuration from your Customer Success Manager.

  1. Click the plus (+) icon to add a new inbound integration.

  2. Select the Connected Account to map to design the outbound file format to apply to submission data out of Claravine.

  3. Follow the instructions for each inbound integration type:
    • SFTP
    • AWS S3
    • Facebook and Google Campaign Manager

Outbound Integrations

Design the outbound file exports, emails, and other outbound metadata from this template.

  1. Click the plus (+) icon to add a new outbound integration.
  2. Select the Connected Account to map to design the outbound file format to apply to submission data out of Claravine.
  3. Follow the instructions for each inbound integration type:
  4. Click Save to save the template.

Duplicate an Existing Template

To save time in creating a Template, you can duplicate an existing Template.  This allows you to copy most of the parameters from the original Template then modify as needed.

To duplicate a template:

  1. On the Templates page, check the box to the left of the name of the Template you want to duplicate.

  2. Click the green plus (+) to duplicate the Template.

  3. The Template name defaults to “Duplicate of {Template Name}”. Edit the Template details to your preference: template name, description, folder, fields, patterns, link validations and URL parameters, inbound and outbound integrations to accommodate this Template. For detailed instructions on creating a new template go to our Creating a Template for Adobe Analytics Knowledge Base article.

  4. Click Save.
    A confirmation message displays.

Edit a Template

To edit a Template:

  1. On the Templates page, check the box to the left of the name of the Template you want to edit.

  2. Click Edit (pencil icon) to edit the Template.

  3. Edit the Template details to your preference: template name, description, folder, and add or remove any parameter on the Setup, Define Schema, Validate, Construct URL, or Integrate steps to accommodate this Template.

  4. Click Save Template.
    A confirmation message displays.

Refer to Field Sets and Templates: Best Practices for Deleting Fields before deleting any fields or field sets to prevent unforeseen problems.

Delete a Template

To delete a Template:

  1. On the Templates page, check the box to the left of the name of the Template you want to remove.

  2. Click Delete (bin icon).
    If you delete a Template, the existing submissions will be deleted.

  3. A confirmation message displays.

  4. Click Confirm.

Template and Schema Tips


The Description field will show as a tool tip in the user's Submission Table.


Click on the errors icon at the top of the template schema to view the errors and warnings.

The template cannot be saved with any errors or bad configuration. Errors include a variable Pattern Element that has not been defined, a field used in a concatenation that isn’t included in the schema, etc.

Warnings notify you if there is a potential issue such as not all columns are used from a list.


Preview how this template will look in the user's Submission Table without having to navigate away from the template page. Preview is only available after a Template Name and Folder have been assigned.


Add a Field to a Field Set from the Template by clicking mceclip1.png. Remember to add Target Mapping on the Field Set if applicable.

Add a Field Set from the Template by clicking +Add Field Set. Find the Field Set and click mceclip1.png to add Fields to the Field Set. Remember to add Target Mapping on the Field Set if applicable.


REORDER MODE mceclip5.png

Reorder the fields how you want them to appear in user's Submission Table seen by the user:

  1. Manual: Drag the field into the order you desire.
  2. Custom: Reorder Mode mceclip5.pngallows the administrator to easily order the fields (left to right).

  • Move the field to the first position
  • Move the field up one position
  • Move the field down one position
  • Move the field to the last position
  • Select the field number to reassign the field order, field number is on the right


All fields default to Visible. Uncheck the box if you want the field to be hidden from the Submission Table view.


Hide any fields the user does not need to see, such as dependent variables and fields, constant values, autofilled values to reduce the number of columns they do not need to enter a value in.


If the Required Field governance has not been assigned at the Field Set level, you can check the Required box per field.


Hover over to view the Edit options, and click to delete the field.

Hover over the Field Type to view the Field Type details. If the field is a List, the list name will be visible. If the field is a drill list and the Filter Value has been set, the list name and default value will be visible.

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