The approval feature can be enabled to alert one or many administrators that they need to review and approve or reject submission data before it can be fully processed. The approval feature can be added to any new or existing templates and will immediately affect any new submissions or edits on the enabled template.
When a user creates a new submission manually on a submission table, imports a file (bulk upload), or edits an existing submission on a template with approval enabled, an email is triggered to the designated approvers to review the submission. The administrator will either accept or reject the submission and you will receive an email in either event. If the submission is rejected, comments from the administrator will be provided so you know what to fix and submit again for approval.
Approval Workflow
- Create a submission manually, import a file (bulk upload), or edit an existing submission on a template that has the approval feature enabled.
On a manual submission or when editing a submission, below the Submit button is a message ‘Changes to data on this template require approval’.
On a file import, below the Upload button is a message ‘Changes to data on this template require approval’.
- Click Submit (or Upload for file import) and Claravine begins the Processing Submission phases and will stop at the phase ‘Awaiting Approval’ and move the submission into the Pending menu.
- Administrators listed on the template will receive an email that new data is awaiting their approval. An administrator will review your submission and either Accept or Reject your submission. The administrator must add at least one comment to reject the submission; however, the single comment could apply to the entire submission table.
- You will receive an email that your data was accepted or rejected with a link to the submission.
- If the submission is Rejected:
- View the rejected submission by clicking View Data in the email, or go to the Pending menu.
- In the Pending menu, the submission’s status is Awaiting Approvalx to indicate it has been rejected.
- In the submission, the status is Awaiting Approvalx, you can see who rejected it and the date.
- The rejected cell is highlighted red and the administrator’s comment will appear when hovered over. The administrator may add only one comment but it could apply to the entire submission table.
You can delete your rejected submission by clicking Delete and it will be removed from the Administrators' view
- If you created the submission manually or edited an existing submission, click
Edit Table to correct the invalid data, then click Submit.
- If you created the submission via import file, you must edit the original CSV file applying the admin’s rejection comments, save and overwrite the file in this submission for approval.
- The process repeats until all data is valid in the submission and an administrator clicks Accept.
- If the submission is Accepted:
- You will receive the first email “Your changes were approved” with a link to your submission.
- If the template is configured by your admin, you will receive the second “Successful Submission” email with a link to your submission and the attached files of your data.
- Once fully processed, your submission will appear in the Submissions menu.
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