Templates - Approval Feature

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated

The approval feature can be enabled to alert one or many administrators that they need to review and approve or reject submission data before it can be fully processed. This provides an extra layer of optional template-by-template, manual validation before new or altered data begins to flow across your ecosystem.


The approval feature can be added to new or existing templates. A user creating a new manual submission, importing a file (bulk upload), or editing a submission with the approval feature enabled will require approval prior to submission processing.


mceclip3.pngThe approval feature is available based on a customer's subscription tier. For more information about your contract, please contact your Claravine Sales Account Executive.



Adding Approval to a Template

  1. Request your Claravine Customer Success Manager enable the approval feature on your account.

  2. Click Settings on the Navigation menu.

  3. Click Settings in the Organization Sub-Navigation menu.
        The Organization Settings page displays.

  1. In the Settings area, click Settings, then at the bottom of the right-hand pane, click on Basic Settings, toggle on the option to configure templates to require approval on changes to data.

  1. Click Templates in the Templates Sub-Navigation menu.  
          The Templates page displays.

  1. Create a new template or open an existing template you want to add approval to.

  2. In Step 1 Setup, check the box to require an approval on submissions for this template.

  3. In the drop-down list below, enter a list of administrators to receive notification of the new data or changes to data on this template. All administrators listed on the template will be notified of new data or changes via email.

    mceclip3.png Any administrator on the account can approve any template; this list is to designate who will receive the email notifications of new data to approve.


What's next: read the Approval Feature Overview article

What's next: read the User's View of the Approval Workflow article




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