Datasets: View, Add, & Edit

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated

About the Dataset View

All users can manage data at scale by leveraging the Dataset View. This allows all users to view, filter, sort, audit, and manage the entire dataset for each template in Claravine. *Users' access to data may vary depending on user group permissions. 

Access the Dataset

  1. In the primary navigation on the left side of the screen, click on the Datasets tab. 2024-01-16_20-59-13.png
  2. Click on any template's dataset.
    Datasets page (1).png
  3. The dataset displays:
    The Dataset displays all data committed using this template and reflects the current schema of the template.

From the Dataset, users can:

  • Sort the table
  • Apply filters to fields
  • Perform a quick filter on a cell value to narrow the data in the table for easy auditing and editing
  • Create a new submission manually or import a file
  • Edit up to 3,000 rows of data
  • Find individual submissions committed using this template
  • View configured integrations on this template
  • View Pending and Paused submissions

View All Dataset Data

In the Dataset, in the Data secondary menu, view all data committed using this template. Note that the data is not organized chronologically but by a Claravine ID.

Filter data using the sort, filter, and/or quick filter on a cell value to narrow the data in the table for easy auditing and editing.

  1. To filter data: Click Filter in the field name to select the filtering and sorting options.Filter4.png

  2. To filter by searchable value, enter a value matching any of the rows in that column into the Search box, then click Apply.
  3. To remove a filter, click the blue  Filter to open the Filtering menu. Click Reset, then Apply to remove all filters and show all data.
  4. To quick-filter data: Right-click on a cell to which you want to filter the table. In the Quick Filter menu, select the type of filter to apply:
    • Empty
    • Is not empty
    • Equals {selected value}
    • Does not equal  {selected value}
    • Contains  {selected value}
    • Does not contain {selected value}
    • Starts with {selected value}
    • Ends with {selected value}

  5. To temporarily adjust the column visibility, hide visible fields and show hidden fields of data on individual submissions, inbound integrations, failed imported file data, and the dataset by accessing the mceclip5.png Columns menu. The hide/show columns ability enables users to see all data for easy validation and auditing. 
  6. To temporarily view the submission row properties, you can view submission row property data on individual submissions, inbound integrations, failed imported file data, and the dataset by accessing the mceclip5.png Columns menu. 
  7. After filtering, sorting, adjusting the column visibility, and submission row property data, export the custom Dataset as a CSV or XLSX file. 

View Submissions

In the Dataset View, in the Submissions topical menu, view individual submissions created with this template.
You can view the following information about the submission:

  • Submission Name
  • Submitted By
  • Submitted Date
  • Number of Rows

Click on the submission row to be taken to the submission record.

View Integrations

In the Dataset View, in the Integrations topical menu, view the connected inbound and outbound integrations assigned to run on this template.

The integration tile shows the Integration Type, Name, if it is active or inactive, and whether the data is pulled from a platform into Claravine or exports from Claravine to another platform.

Administrators can:

  • "Run now" if it is a manual sync integration or if it needs to trigger a new resync before the next automated sync
  • Edit the integration on the template


View Pending Submissions

In the Dataset View, in the Pending topical menu, view pending submission datasets that require action from a user:

  • View your Drafts
  • View Shared Drafts sent to you
  • View Paused - With Error submissions (all Groups)
    • Imported files that contained errors and are not committed
    • Inbound integration datasets (GCM, Facebook) that contain errors and are not committed
  • View Paused - Pending Review submissions (all Groups)
    • Inbound integration datasets (GCM, Facebook) that do not contain errors but need to be reviewed and committed.
  • View Awaiting Approval (all Groups)
    • Submissions that are awaiting an Administrator's approval. See more about the Approval Workflow.

Add Data from the Dataset View

Data created using the Create Submission or Import File processes from the Templates page will be added as new submissions to the dataset as soon as the data is processed.

Administrators can also add data in three ways:

Create New Submission to Add Data from the Dataset View

In the Dataset View, click Create Submission.

Claravine will generate a new submission. The data will be available in the dataset when the new submission is completed.

Import File to Create Data from the Dataset View

In the Dataset View, click  Import File.

Claravine will generate a new submission. The data will be available in the dataset when the new submission is completed.

Duplicate Row Data to a New Submission

In the Dataset View, duplicating row data allows users to select specific rows on a dataset and copy those values into a new submission to save time.

  1. Open the Dataset View for a particular template. 
  2. Select the rows you want to duplicate using the checkbox to the left of the row.
  3. A new icon will appear in the top right, click this to duplicate your specific rows into a new submission.


Not all data from prior submissions can be copied to a new submission. Specifically, any data that is auto-generated at the time of a submission won’t be pre-populated to the new submission (e.g., patterns, concatenation, randoms). Values will be copied for any data in Text, Date, and List field types.

List fields will only be copied if the value matches the expected value on the new submission. For example, if a prior submission has a value of ‘abc’ in Field 1 and that value is duplicated but ‘abc’ is no longer in the list of expected values, the value will not be copied and the cell will be left empty.

Edit Data in the Dataset View

Data edited using the Edit a Submission processes from the Submissions page will be updated in the dataset as soon as the data is processed.

Administrators can edit data in two ways:

Edit Selected Rows From the Dataset View

  1. In the Dataset View, use the Search field to find a specific row or use Filters to find the data.
  2. Check the box to the left of the rows to edit.

  3. Click Edit # Rows.
  4. Make the necessary corrections to the selected fields.
  5. Click Submit.
    Claravine will generate the selected rows as a new submission. The updated data will be available in the dataset when the new submission is completed. Updated data will overwrite the previous data.

Edit the Submission Details From the Dataset View

In the Dataset View, in the Submissions tab, click the submission row to Edit the Submission.

Claravine will update the existing dataset and not create a second submission. The updated data will be available in the dataset when the new submission is completed. Updated data will overwrite the previous data.

  • Submissions that are in progress will not show in the dataset or Submissions topical menus until they are fully processed.
  • Editing data from the dataset will generate a new submission for the edited rows. The new data will replace the existing data in the dataset.
  • Editing data from the Submission topical menu will resubmit the individual dataset and will not generate a new submission. The updated data will replace the existing data in the dataset.
  • The dataset is a roll-up of all data ever created on this template.
  • The fields match the current configuration of the template.
  • You can edit up to 3,000 rows using the Edit Select Rows function.

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