Claravine + Meta Ads Manager Integration

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated

Note: This is the new integration for Claravine + Meta Ads Manager. This new integration enables each data stream (Campaign, Ad Sets, Ad, Creatives) to live in separate templates. Benefits include less time required to update data sets, faster data loading, and more frequent data syncs. Use this new integration in all cases aside from passing a clickthrough URL from Claravine to Meta.

The Outbound URL Configuration is currently only supported through the Legacy Facebook Ads Manager Integration, but will be supported through the Meta Ads Manager Integration in the near future. Reach out to your Claravine customer success contact with any questions.

Claravine's platform integrates with Meta Ads Manager to import campaign metadata into a template and provide data governance on the campaign data taxonomy and naming conventions. Once the data has been imported, naming can be validated, modified, and populated back into the Meta Ads Manager platform. Additionally, it can be enriched with meta data and mapped into Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, or any cloud storage account for further analysis.

  • Configure the Integration

    1. Confirm that you are logged into Meta Ads Manager with the appropriate permissions and access for your marketing campaigns. We recommend the user has Manage Campaign permissions in Meta Business Manager, and access to all active campaigns.

    2. Navigate to SettingsIntegrationsAccounts.
      The Accounts page displays.

    3. Click the plus sign (+) to create a new Account.
      The Create Connected Account page displays. 

    4. Enter the following information for the Account:
      • Name
      • Description
        We recommend entering a description to make it easier to determine the use of the Account when creating targets.

    5. Select Meta Ads Manager as the type.

    6. Click Connect Account.

    7. The Meta sync page opens asking to continue. Click Continue As ... or log into another account.

    8. Click Save.

    Note: If you receive an error stating that the account could not be linked to Facebook or Meta and that you should check your connection and try again, there is also a possibility that you're using a newly created Facebook or Meta account. Facebook/Meta states that "there is a 60-minute delay before new accounts can log in to any applications." This error can occur when your Facebook or Meta account has been created within the last 60 minutes, but it can take as long as 5-7 days for a new account to be able to log in.

  • Available Inbound Data Fields From Meta Ads Manager

    The integration allows specific fields in Meta Ads Manager to automatically import data into a connected template.

  • Templates: Inbound Configuration

    Claravine can import ad IDs, Names, and additional metadata directly from Meta Ads Manager, avoiding manual exports, then pass data downstream for more readable classifications and enriched data for improved dimensionality and segmentation in analysis.

    Add Meta Ads Manager Inbound to a Template

    To add Meta Ads Manager Inbound to a template:

    1. An Administrator must first connect the Ads Manager in IntegrationsAccounts.
    2. Open or create the Integration Template in the Templates tab. The template must contain all ID fields, platform Name fields, and any additional metadata fields in Step 2 Define and Govern.
    3. Click Step 3 - Connect.
    4. Click the plus sign (+) to add a new Inbound integration.
    5. Click Meta Ads Manager
      The Ads Manager inbound configuration section displays.

    6. Select the connected Meta Ads Manager Account from the drop-down list.

    7. Select the Ad Account from the drop-down list.

    Data Selection

    1. Select which stream of data to bring into this template.
      (Note* only one data stream can be configured per template. See available fields below to know which fields are available for reach data selection.) 
      - Campaign Data
      - Ad Set data
      - Ad Data
      - Ad Creative Data
    2. A pop up will appear asking to confirm your selection. Confirm. 

    Field Mapping

    1. For all 4 data selections, the ID field will be required when adding an Ads Manager integration to a template. In the Map To fields, select the field names in the template to which you want to map this inbound data. See the list of available inbound fields.

    2. Click + Add New Mapping to add additional Ads Manager fields to map with Claravine fields.
      - Be sure to select the Meta field as well as the field to map to in Claravine. 

    3. Click Save to save the template.

    Watch a video showing you how to add an Ads Manager Inbound Integration to a template.

    What's Next: Follow the instructions to create an Outbound Ads Manager Configuration. 

    What's Next: See how users would review and submit inbound integration data in the Pending menu.

  • Templates: Outbound Ads Manager Configuration

    Claravine can automatically send data to Meta Ads Manager to update naming conventions. The fields that are able to be updated back in Meta are: 
    - Campaign Name
    - Ad Set Name
    - Ad Name
    - Ad Creative Name

    Add Meta Ads Outbound to a Template

    To add Meta Ads Outbound to a template:

    1. Open the Integration Template in the Templates tab.

    2. Click Step 3 - Connect.

    3. Click the plus sign (+) to add a new Outbound integration.

    4. Click Meta Ads Manager Outbound.
      The Meta Ads Outbound configuration section displays.

    5. Enter the Integration Name. If no value is entered, Claravine will default the Integration Name to the Template name.

    6. Select the connected Meta account.
      An Administrator must first connect the Meta account in IntegrationsAccounts
    7. Make your Data Selection. This data selection should be the same as chosen for the inbound integration configuration.

    8. Map your name field from Claravine to Meta. 
      - The ID field is required and should be pre-selected. 
      Click "Add Field Mapping"
      - Select the field in Claravine to map to your Meta Ads Manager name field. 

    9. Click Save to save the template.
  • Update Meta Ads Manager API

    Re-Sync an Existing Claravine Meta Ads Manager Account

    1. Confirm you are logged into Meta Ads Manager with the same account previously synced with Claravine.
    2. Navigate to Settings IntegrationsAccounts.

    3. The Accounts page displays.


    4. Click the name of the Meta Ads Manager Account you want to modify.
      The Edit Account menu displays.

    5. Click Reconnect Account.

    6. The Meta sync page opens asking to continue. Click Continue As ... or log into another account.

    7. Click Reconnect.



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