Our Inbound Integrations with Google Campaign Manager 360, Meta (Facebook) Ads Manager, Google Ads, Pinterest Ads Manager, Snapchat Ads Manager, and other ad platforms will bring in new or updated ad data daily, or data can be manually synced by an Administrator. If your organization is using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) integration, the sync will only happen when new information is found. Some data fields have been mapped to specific fields in the template to make it easy for you to validate the data prior to submission.
Access Inbound Integration Submission
- Navigate to Submissions → Pending.
The Pending page displays. - Click anywhere on the row to open the submission. Use the Template drop-down menu to filter Pending submissions for a specific template, or sort to submission type "Paused - With Errors" or "Paused - Pending Review".
Sort and Filter to Select the Data You Want to Work On
Filter and/or sort the inbound data as you want. Example uses:
- Show only the row with no errors: Use the Table Filter function above the header row to filter the dataset table to determine which fields contain invalid data. Click + Add Filter. Select Has Errors. Click Apply.
- Filter to a specific Campaign ID: Use the Filter in the field name header to hide field data in the table, so you can focus on the rows you want to see. Select Sort or +Add Filter to select an operator and value. Click Apply.
Go to the Sort and Filter Knowledge Base article for more information.
Edit the Pending Submission
You may select all or filter the inbound pending submission data to select what will be in your submission dataset.
- Apply Filters as desired, then click Edit Select Rows (up to 1,000) to pick rows to edit from the current view.
The selected pending submission rows refresh in an editable submission. - The Administrator has pre-mapped the Integrated Account data fields to their respective Claravine platform fields (i.e. Campaign Manager Campaign ID data field to the template field named Campaign ID) and will populate those fields for you.
- Enter the remaining required data or correct inaccurate data in the Submission Table. Fields have been governed by your Administrator to accept certain information. Below are reminders about the submission table:
If you enter a value in a field that does not match the parameters designated by your Administrator, the field turns red indicating there is an error. Hover your mouse over the red field to view the error message indicating what is incorrect in the field. Click the error icon in the top right corner of the Submission Table to jump to the next error field.
A column header with a red asterisk indicates this is a required field. The field also turns red indicating the required field is blank.
Quick Entry: To save time entering information, you can highlight the fields you would like to duplicate into other rows and drag the blue dot down to the necessary rows.
Copy and Paste: Paste values into the Submission Table from external spreadsheets or within the Submission Table using Ctrl+V. Highlight the column header to paste into all rows of that column.
Use the Search field to find a specific value in the Submission Table. - If the Link is not an inbound, pre-populated field, enter the final destination URL in the Link column. Upon submission, the platform will append the Pattern Key and any additional parameters as designed by your Administrator.
- Enter the Submission Name, this is an identifier for this submission making it easy to identify it in the Submissions history page. This is an open text field with a limit of 255 characters. The platform will not populate the Submission Name from the original failed import submission name.
- When all required fields have been filled in and there are no errors in the table, the Submit button turns green. The Submit button is now split with the option to Submit # Rows or Submit All Rows.
You can only submit the rows in your current view; you cannot select Submit All Rows if the unselected rows contain errors.
The Data Standards Cloud begins processing and validating the data and will send the updated information to the downstream targets and you will receive a submission confirmation email from Claravine with the submission CSV / XLSX / JSON file attached. Below is a visual of 4 rows in pending, selecting 3 errored rows to edit, and submitting only the 3 edited rows because the unselected row still contained errors and could not be submitted.
What happens in the original pending submission to rows I selected and submitted separately
The original pending submission shows the original row count with a spinner to the right to indicate the partially submitted rows are still in progress.
If you open the original pending submission, the rows split into the new partial submission grayed with a message “Processing Row… This row is being processed as part of another submission” and cannot be edited.
Once the partially submitted submission completes, the split out rows will be removed from the original pending submission.
Paused - Pending Review
If the inbound integration submission has no errors row and are all correct, the submission will be found in Pending with the status of "Paused - Pending Review". This data will need to be reviewed manually and then submitted through to trigger any outbound integrations (as applicable).
- Use Filters or click Edit Select Rows (up to 1,000) to pick rows to edit all rows in the current filtered view.
At the very least, users need to select 1 row and can use Submit All Rows without having to edit the entire table.
The selected pending submission rows refresh in an editable submission. - Review the data in the Submission Table to confirm it is correct.
- The Submit button is green. When all fields have been validated, click either Submit # Rows or Submit All Rows.
Submit # Rows will submit only the viewable rows, the remaining rows would remain in the original submission with a status of “Paused - Pending Review”.
Submit All Rows will submit the viewable rows plus unselected fields (if you edited rows that have errors, all originally correct fields will submit as well).
The Data Standards Cloud begins processing and validating the data and will send the updated information to the downstream targets and you will receive a submission confirmation email from Claravine with the submission CSV file attached.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often do inbound integrations sync in the platform?
- Google Campaign Manager syncs every morning at 5 AM ET
- Facebook syncs twice daily
Who can see the inbound integration pending submissions?
Any user, manager, or admin that is part of the same group will be able to see the “Paused - With Errors” and “Paused - Pending Review” submissions. Pending submissions cannot be viewed outside of group permissions.
Can I delete a Pending Submission?
Yes, you can delete a pending submission and it will appear again on the next sync. This action will delete the pending submission for all users with access to this template.
How do I view new or updated campaign data?
- New or updated campaign data will only appear in the Pending area. It will no longer appear in existing submissions.
- New or updated campaign data will be grouped into a single submission by template, no longer per Campaign Name.
I need my campaign data now, do I have to wait for the next sync? Can it be synced right now?
An Admin can manually sync an inbound integration. See the instructions on how to manually trigger an inbound integration.
How do I filter the pending submission table?
Use the Filter above the header row to filter the entire table to view rows that Has Errors or Has No Errors.
Use the Filter in the field name header to sort or filter the table based on a field value.
Sort options include:- Sort A-Z
- Sort Z-A
+Add Filter options include:
- Right-click on a cell you want to filter the field to; in the Quick Filter menu, select the type of filter to apply. The platform will autofill the Value field to the cell data you selected:
- Empty
- Is not empty
- Equals {selected value}
- Does not equal {selected value}
- Contains {selected value}
- Does not contain {selected value}
- Starts with {selected value}
Ends with {selected value}
How do I do a partial submission?
- Use Filters or click Edit Select Rows (up to 1,000) to pick rows to edit or Edit Table to edit all rows in the current filtered view.
When all required fields have been filled in and there are no errors in the table, the Submit button turns green. The Submit button is now split with the option to Submit # Rows or Submit All Rows. If you perform a partial submission, the original submission remains as a “Paused - With Errors” submission.
You cannot select Submit All Rows if the unfiltered rows contain errors.
What happens to the original and partial submissions?
- The original pending submission shows the original row count with a spinner to the right to indicate the partially submitted rows are still in progress.
- If you open the original pending submission, the rows split into the new partial submission grayed with a message “Processing Row… This row is being processed as part of another submission” and cannot be edited.
- Once the partially submitted submission completes, the split out rows will be removed from the original pending submission. The original submission remains a “Paused - With Errors” submission and the partial submission completes.
What if I do a partial submission to correct error rows only?
- If you perform a partial submission to correct error rows only, the correct rows will remain in the original submission but change to the status “Paused - Pending Review”, ready to be committed at a later time.
Want hands-on training on this topic?
Find more within the Claravine Academy Resources for Users - Course 102: Submissions / Course 103: Importing Data.
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