Editing Data

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated


Find the submission data you want to edit or update - either in Submissions menu or in the Dataset view. NOTE: We strongly recommend using the Dataset View to edit submission data instead of editing the submission! The Data tab for a Dataset displays the most current version of row data, and that means less potential overwriting and errors.  A submission, on the other hand, represents a snapshot in time of the data.

If you need a reminder about the Dataset, please read the Dataset View Overview support article.

Tips and Information

  • Editing a submission will not change your Pattern (aka tracking code/CID/campaign code/key/UTM ID). If your Pattern needs to be changed, create a new submission.
  • Shortened links using Bit.ly will continue to redirect to the original link. 
  • Click to change the row height to Compact, Medium, or Large. 

Edit a Submission Name

Editing the submission dataset allows you to rename the Submission Name. 

Edit a Submission

  1. If you are in a submission, you'll see the tip to navigate to the Dataset to edit your data.

  2. We recommend you copy the submission name.
  3. Click View Dataset.
  4. In the Dataset view, click Columns.
  5. Add the row property Submission Name and any others that will be helpful, like Created By. Click Apply.
  6. Enter the Submission Name in the Search field. Click Apply.
  7. The Data table is now filtered to the submission you want to edit. Make the necessary corrections to the selected fields. Click Submit.
    Claravine will send the updated information to the downstream targets and you will receive a submission confirmation email from Claravine with the submission CSV file attached.

Helpful tip: Use the Quick Filter options by right-clicking on a cell.

Edit in Bulk

Instead of opening and editing every individual submission, let's be faster and edit in bulk from the Dataset!

  1. In the Dataset view, use the Filter to find all rows that contain the old/wrong/out-of-date value.

  2. Check the top box to select all rows (the browser will select data in 1,000-row batches).

  3. Click Edit # Rows.

  4. The page refreshes with those selected rows and gives you the chance to change that value in bulk, click Submit!

  5. Go back to the Dataset and edit the next 1,000 rows.

Find & Replace

Use Find & Replace to search for a value within a column in your dataset, identify all instances of that value, and replace them individually or in bulk. Find & Replace (FindReplace.png) is available on all columns in a dataset.

To use Find & Replace:

  1. Click Find & Replace (FindReplace.png) to open the Find & Replace form.

  2. Enter a value in the Find field to show the count of matches found, with arrows to navigate to each matched cell.


  3. Optionally enter a new value in Replace With to replace one or multiple existing values.

  4. Click Replace to replace the single selected cell value, or click Replace All to replace all found matches.

You can find all your replacements in the Recent Changes list, which displays changes for the current user session in the platform. Each action is stored in Recent Changes and you can undo any action by clicking UNDO. Note that the list of Recent Changes DOES NOT persist after a hard web page refresh or after you've navigated to another web page. 


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