Quick Start for Users

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated

Welcome to Claravine and our innovative platform The Data Standards Cloud!

Follow this quick start to do three things:

  1. First, get logged in and set up as a user.
  2. Then enjoy a very brief and high-level overview of Claravine and how to navigate our platform.
  3. Get involved: create a submission (you can also watch a video on creating a submission).

You can also watch this 5-minute introduction video, and you may find our glossary of Claravine and industry terms helpful. To use the platform, ask an administrator to create a user profile for you with the required access.

Log In and Set Your Password

Your Administrator must create an account for you before you can begin using our platform. You will receive a Welcome email from team@claravine.com inviting you to Complete your Profile and set your password. The link to complete your profile is valid for 48 hours upon receipt; please act quickly when you receive the email. If you have not received an email with a link to your profile, but know you have been added to the system, attempt the "Forgot Password" process using your company email address. If this does not work, contact your company's Claravine Administrator.

To access your profile:

  1. Open the Welcome email from Claravine.

  2. Click Complete your profile.                                                

    The Welcome setup page displays.
  3. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: Confirm your name is correct or make updates as necessary.

    • Password: The password must be at least 12 characters long and should contain both numbers and letters; symbols are also accepted.

    • Repeat Password: Confirm the password from the password field.

  4. Click Submit.

You will be taken to your organization’s Datasets Page. Read more about it in the Datasets Overview.

Access Your User Profile

  1. To access your profile settings, click your first name initial in the upper right corner.

    Your personal Profile Settings page displays.
  2. In Profile Settings, you can:

    • Edit your title and location
    • Manage your user profile image: To change your image, click Change. This opens the file browser to select an image from your computer.
    • Access the Claravine Support Knowledge Base by clicking Support in the top right corner
    • Log out
  3. If you make changes to your title, location, or image, click Save.
  4. In the upper right corner, click the mceclip3.png page header. You can view:
        • Help Center
        • Product Blog
        • Share Feedback
        • Referral Program

Understand Claravine's Platform

Quick Overview of Concepts and Workflow

The main concepts you'll be working within The Data Standards Cloud are templates, datasets, and submissions. A template expresses data standards for a type of data, such as a campaign or a digital asset. A dataset is a comprehensive, tabular view of all rows and fields for all data associated with a template. A submission is the draft of new data to add to a dataset (following the data standards defined in a template) that must be validated and approved.

The typical high-level workflow is:

  1. A user creates a template that governs a dataset to come.
  2. Users add data to a dataset (complying with the template) by creating submissions.
  3. Submissions remain pending until approved, then they become part of a dataset. 

Refer to our glossary for more definitions.

Navigate the Claravine Platform

For the best experience with The Data Standards Cloud, we recommend using Google Chrome.

The platform has a navigation bar on the very left, which you can expand for detail or collapse to maximize workspace. Some pages have content divided into tabs, which run along the top.

Access the Resource Center from any page in the platform to see:

  • Announcements
  • Help Center (guides with step-by-step instruction and videos)
  • Technical Support (create a ticket or chat with the support team on Claravine-related issues)

Create a Submission

The best way to get started is to create a submission by following the instructions in our Submissions: Create, View, and Edit article. 

Creating a submission means you will now make a draft table of data to submit to a dataset. To do this, you will select an existing template to which your data will adhere.


Want to get hands-on training on this topic, find more in-depth learning within the Claravine Academy Resources for User - course 102.


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