Claravine + Google Display & Video 360 (DV360) Integration

Julia Randall
Julia Randall
  • Updated

Claravine integrates with Google’s DV360 to import campaign metadata (including Campaign, Advertiser, Insertion Order, Line Item, Creative, Ad Group, and Ad data streams) into a template and provide data governance on the campaign data taxonomy and naming conventions. Once the data has been imported, it can be validated, corrected, enhanced, and/or enriched with metadata and mapped into Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, or any cloud storage account for further analysis of the ads served through DV360.

For example, you can use this connector to:

  • Automate the import of data to avoid manual work
  • Pass data downstream for more readable classifications
  • Enrich data for improved dimensionality and segmentation
  • Audit and validate data against marketing data standards
  • Accelerate data entry and tracking URL building
  • Prepare Google DV360 to Connect With Claravine

    To create a Google DV360 connector in Claravine, you must first complete these steps on the Google DV360 side:

    1. Step 1. Enable Google DV360 API
    2. Step 2. Create the Google DV360 Service Account
    3. Step 3. Generate the Service Key into a JSON File
    4. Step 4. Create a Claravine User for the New Service Account

    Once these steps are completed, you will have the following from your DV360 account, which you must have ready when you finish setting up the connector in the Claravine platform:

    • A Google DV360 connected email
    • A Google DV360 user profile ID
    • A Google DV360 API service key in a generated JSON file 

    Step 1. Enable Google DV360 API

    In Google Cloud, enable Google DV360 API:

    1. Navigate to the Google Cloud APIs and Services dashboard.
    2. From the drop list in the upper left, create a new project (recommended) for this integration or select an existing project. 


    3. In Enable APIs and Services, start typing Display & Video 360 API in the search bar and click on it when found.
    4. Click Enable (if the DV360 API is already enabled for the account, an "API Enabled" check mark displays).


    Step 2. Create the Google DV360 Service Account

    In Google Cloud, create a service account with the correct access to the Google Display & Video 360 API:

    1. In the Google Cloud Welcome page, navigate to IAM & AdminService Accounts.


    2. In the Google Cloud APIs and Services dashboard, click Create Service Account.

    3. Enter the service account details: a service account name, ID, and description. Click Create and Continue.

    4. For Role, select Editor. Click Continue.


    5. Optionally grant additional admins access to the service account.

      The granted access can always be modified later but we recommend granting access to at least one additional admin user in your org. Click Done.

    Step 3. Generate the Service Key into a JSON File

    In Service Accounts in the Google Cloud IAM & Admin dashboard, generate the API key:

    1. In the Google Cloud APIs and Services dashboard, from the More () menu (under Actions on the upper right), select Manage keys.


    2. Click Add keyCreate new key, select key type JSON, and click Create.
      Note: Store this key safely. You will need this key for connecting DV360 in Claravine.

    3. Navigate to the Details tab, and copy the email address. This is a new email address generated for the service account; you will need it next for DV360.

    Step 4. Create a Claravine User for the New Service Account

    1. In a new browser tab, open DV360.
    2. Create a new user to associate with the email you copied in Step 3. Generate the Service Key (instruction #3).
    3. Click Manage Access in the top menu and select New user.


    4. Enter information for the new user profile.
      • Name the user and paste the email from your clipboard into the Email and Confirm Email fields.
      • For User type, select Partner & Advertiser.
    5. Add an advertiser in the Access section: click Add Partners or Advertisers.
      • Select the advertisers to whom you will grant access.
      • Set the Role to Standard.
    6. Click Save to save the user.

    Proceed to Configure the DV360 Connector in Claravine.

  • Configure the DV360 Connector in Claravine

    To configure a Google DV360 connector in Claravine, you must have the following from your DV360 account, which you created by following the instructions above:

    • A Google DV360 connected email
    • A Google DV360 user profile ID 
    • A Google DV360 API service key in a generated JSON file

    With these three items in hand, log into Claravine, where you will grant The Data Standards Cloud the correct permissions and access to the Google DV360 API to import data. To set up a platform connector in Claravine:

    1. In The Data Standards Cloud, navigate to Settings → Integrations → Accounts
      The Accounts page displays.


    2. Click the plus sign (+) in the top right to create a new account.
      The Create Connected Account page displays.


    3. Enter the following information for the account:
      • Account Name
      • Description (optional). We recommend entering a description to make it easier to determine the use of the account when creating targets.

    4. Select the tile for the platform you are integrating.

    5. Enter the credentials required for that platform.
    6. Click Save and Connect Account.

    7. You may be redirected to the platform being integrated, where you must enter more information. Refer to the platform-specific article for details.
  • Google DV360 Fields Available for Integration


    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    campaignId Campaign ID Y  
    displayName Campaign Name    
    advertiserId Advertiser ID  
    entityStatus Campaign Status    
    campaignGoalType Campaign Goal      
    performanceGoalType Campaign KPI      
    startDate Campaign Start Date    
    endDate Campaign End Date    


    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    advertiserId Advertiser ID Y  
    displayName Advertiser Name    
    entityStatus Advertiser Status    
    updateTime Advertiser Last Updated      

    Insertion Orders

    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    insertionOrderId Insertion Order ID Y  
    displayName Insertion Order Name    
    insertionOrderType Insertion Order Type      
    entityStatus Insertion Order Status    
    updateTime Last Updated    
    Associated Fields: The following attributes from higher-level entities
    associated with the Insertion Order should also be returned in the same dataset.
    campaignId Campaign ID      
    campaigns.displayName Campaign Name      
    advertiserId Advertiser ID  
    advertisers.displayName Advertiser Name      

    Line Items

    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    lineItemId Line Item ID Y  
    displayName Line Item Name    
    entityStatus Line Item Status    
    lineItemType Line Item Type      
    lineItemFlight.flightDateType Flight Date Type      
    lineItemFlight.dateRange.startDate Start Date    
    lineItemFlight.dateRange.endDate End Date    
    updateTime Last Updated    
    Associated Fields: The following attributes from higher-level entities associated with the Insertion Order should also be returned in the same dataset.
    insertionOrderId Insertion Order ID      
    insertionOrder.displayName Insertion Order Name      
    campaignId Campaign ID      
    campaigns.displayName Campaign Name      
    advertiserId Advertiser ID  
    advertisers.displayName Advertiser Name      


    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    creativeId Creative ID Y  
    displayName Creative Name    
    entityStatus Creative Status    
    creativeType Creative Type      
    createTime Creative Created    
    updateTime Creative Last Updated    
    widthPixels Creative Width      
    heightPixels Creative Height      
    mediaDuration Creative Media Duration      
    cmPlacementId CM360 Placement ID      
    hostingSource Hosting Source      
    integrationCode Integration Code      
    appendedTag Appended Tag      
    vastTagUrl VAST URL Tag      
    creative.AssetAssociation.asset.content Creative Main Asset Media URL      
    creative.AssetAssociation.asset.content Creative Headline Content      
    creative.AssetAssociation.asset.content Creative CTA Content      
    Associated Fields: The following attributes from higher-level entities associated with the Insertion Order should also be returned.
    advertiserId Advertiser ID  
    advertisers.displayName Advertiser Name      

    Ad Groups

    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    name Ad Group Name      
    adGroupId Ad Group ID Y    
    displayName Display Name      
    adGroupFormat Ad Group Format      
    bidStrategy Bid Strategy      
    entityStatus Ad Group Status    
    Associated Fields: The following attributes from higher-level entities associated with the Ad Group should also be returned.
    advertiserId Advertiser ID    
    lineItemId Line Item ID    


    API Field Name Field Label Required Inbound Outbound Filter By
    name Ad Name      
    adGroupAdId Ad ID Y    
    displayName Display Name      
    entityStatus Ad Status    
    adUrls Ad URLs      
    Associated Fields: The following attributes from higher-level entities associated with the Ad should also be returned.
    advertiserId Advertiser ID    
    adGroupId Ad Group ID    
    displayVideoSourceAd.creativeId Creative ID      



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