Note: The Claravine + Google Campaign Manager integration has been updated. Please note these changes:
- The new inbound connector, V2, is "Google CM360." The legacy inbound connector, V1, is now called "Legacy Google CM360."
This new integration enables each data stream (Campaign, Ad Sets, Ad, Creatives) to live in separate templates. Benefits include less time required to update data sets, faster data loading, and more frequent data syncs. - The new outbound connector, V2 is "Google CM360." The legacy outbound connector, V1, is now called "Legacy Google CM360 Clickthough URL."
Claravine integrates with Google Campaign Manager to import campaign metadata into a template and provide data governance on the data and links. Once the data has been imported, naming can be validated, modified, and populated back into the Google Campaign Manager platform. Additionally, it can be enriched with metadata and mapped into Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, or any cloud storage account for further analysis.
Integrate Claravine with Google Campaign Manager
Enable API, create a Service Account with the correct access to the Google Campaign Manager API, generate a Key, and create the Claravine user for the new Service Account.
- Enable the Google DCM / DFA API
- While logged in to a google email account that has admin access to Google Campaign Manager, go to the following URL to enable the API.
(If it has already been enabled, you'll see one or more projects, and no action is needed for this step.)
- Create a New Project.
- The name of this project should be readable but it is inconsequential and not tied to any functionality.
- Select Organization (if applicable)
- Click Create.
- Enable the new project access to API
Click Next
Click Enable
- Create the service account & generate the key
- Primary Menu > IAM & Admin > Service Accounts
- Click Create New Service Account
Service Account Details
- Enter a Service Account Name, ID, and Description. Click Create and Continue.
- Select Role "Editor". Click Continue.
- Optional* Grant additional admins access to service account.
(The granted access can always be modified later but it is recommended to have atleast one other admin user in your org with granted access.)
Click Done.
- Create the Service Account & Generate the Service Key
- Next to the email address, click the ellipses > Manage Keys
- Click Add key > Create new key
- Select Key type: JSON > Create
Note* Store this key safely. You will need this key for connecting CM360 in Claravine.
- Navigate to Details tab, and copy the email address. We'll need this to next for CM360.
- In a new tab, go to Campaign manager (
- Create a new user role to associate this email/access to.
- Navigate to Admin > User Roles > New
New User Profile: Properties tab
- Paste the email on your clipboard to the Email and Confirm email fields.
- Select User Role: Advanced Agency Trafficker
- Click to the the Filters tab
Click to expand "Advertisers"
- Select "Choose" (Optionally, select "Allow All" if applicable).
- Select which advertisers to grant access to by indicating each as "allowed".
- Click Done.
(Recommended: Select all advertisers you wish Claravine to have access to. Configuring the specific advertiser for each integration in Claravine is handled separately in the Claravine platform.)
- Click Save to save the user profile.
Note the User Profile ID. You will need this ID to connect the CM360 account in Claravine. The ID can be found in two places:
Configure in Claravine
The following steps are required to grant The Data Standards Cloud the correct permissions and access to the Google API to import data.
- This step was completed in the above instructions. See Step 4 above for reference.
- Once the JSON service account key file is created, log in to Claravine.
- In Claravine, Click on Settings in the Navigation menu.
Select Integrations > Accounts > Click the Plus button to create a new account.
- Enter the Account Name and Description (optional).
- Select the Google Campaign Manager 360 icon and scroll down to enter the account credentials.
- Scroll down:
Click “Upload” to upload the Service Account Key JSON file created earlier in step 5 above.
Enter the User Profile ID noted earlier in Step 7 above.
Enter the Email Address used to create the User Profile in Step 7.
- Click Save Account.
Note* If needed, the User Profile ID and Email can both be found in Campaign Manager > Admin > User Roles > Select the User Role created earlier.
Learn More
- Getting Started
- Service Account Setup
- Refer to the DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API guide to read about Service Accounts in Campaign Manager
- Creating Service Account Keys
- Enable the Google DCM / DFA API
Google Campaign Manager Fields Available for Integration
The integration allows specific fields in Campaign Manager 360 to automatically import data into a connected template. The available inbound data fields from Campaign Manager are:
API Field Name Field Label Inbound Outbound campaignId
Campaign ID ✔ ✔ campaign
Campaign Name ✔ ✔ campaignStartDate
Campaign Start Date ✔ campaignEndDate
Campaign end Date ✔ billingInvoiceCode
Campaign Billing Invoice Code ✔ accountId
Account ID ✔ subaccountId
Subaccount ID ✔ advertiserId
Advertiser ID ✔ advertiserGroupId
Advertiser Group ID ✔ Placement:
API Field Name Field Label Inbound Outbound placementId
Placement ID ✔ ✔ placementName
Placement Name ✔ ✔ placementStrategyId
Placement Strategy ID ✔ placementStartDate
Placement Start Date ✔ placementEndDate
Placement End Date ✔ placementCapCostOption
Placement Cap Cost Option ✔ placementFlightingActivated
Placement Flight Activated ✔ contentCategoryId
Placement Content Category ID ✔ siteId
Placement Site ID ✔ accountId
Account ID ✔ subaccountId
Subaccount ID ✔ advertiserId
Advertiser ID ✔ campaignId
Campaign ID ✔ Ad:
API Field Name Field Label Inbound Outbound adId
Ad ID ✔ ✔ adName
Ad Name ✔ ✔ adType
Ad Type ✔ clickThroughUrl
Click Through URL ✔ ✔ comments
Ad Comments ✔ campaignId
Campaign ID ✔ advertiserId
Advertiser ID ✔ subaccountId
Subaccount ID ✔ accountId
Account ID ✔ audienceSegmentId
Audience Segment ID ✔ Creative:
API Field Name Field Label Inbound Outbound creativeID
Creative ID ✔ ✔ creativeName
Creative Name ✔ ✔ renderingId
Rendering ID ✔ advertiserId
Advertiser ID ✔ accountId
Account ID ✔ subaccountId
Subaccount ID ✔ version
Creative Version ✔ size
Creative Size ✔ type
Creative Type ✔ creativeAssets[]
Assets assoicated with a Creative ✔ redirectUrl
URL of hosted creative ✔ clickTags[]
Click Tags ✔ companionCreatives[]
Companion Creatives ✔ -
Templates: Inbound Configuration
Claravine can import ad IDs, Names, and additional metadata directly from Campaign Manager 360, avoiding manual exports, then pass data downstream for more readable classifications and enriched data for improved dimensionality and segmentation in analysis.
To add Campaign Manager Inbound to a template:
- An Administrator must first connect the Campaign Manager 360 in Integration → Accounts.
- In Templates, open or create the Integration Template. The template must contain all ID fields, platform Name fields, and any additional metadata fields in Step 2 Define and Govern.
- Click Step 3 - Connect.
- Click the plus sign (+) to add a new Inbound integration.
- Click Google CM360 Inbound.
The Google Campaign Manager 360 inbound configuration section displays.
- Select the connected CM360 Account from the drop-down list.
- Specify your Data Selection. Available data types include: Campaign, Ad, Placement, Creative, All (legacy). Select a specific data type to sync to that template, or choose All (Legacy) to sync in data from all data types.
Note: All (Legacy) refers to the legacy integration, where all data types are brought into the same template. Unless absolutely necessary, use the individual data types (Campaigns, Ads, Creatives, Placements) in dedicated templates as opposed to using the “All (Legacy)” option in a single template. Benefits include less time required to update data sets, faster data loading, and more frequent data syncs. Reach out to your Claravine customer success contact with any questions.
Schedule sync: default- every 8 hours.
- Select Filters to apply to the imported data. Each of the data types (except for Creatives) has at least one required filter to limit the amount of data brought in. For data type “All (legacy),” the required filter is the Ad date. Refer to the Inbound integration filters table below for list of relevant filters by data type.
Data Type Filter Campaigns Campaign Start Date (Required) (Learn More) Campaign End Date (Learn More) Campaign Last Modified Date Campaign Status (Learn More) Campaign(s) Advertiser(s) Placements Placement Start Date (Required) Placement End Date Placement Status Advertisers Placements Ads Ad Start Date (Required) Ad End Date Ad Status (Learn More) Placement Status Advertisers Campaigns Placements Creatives Creative Status Advertisers - The final section is for mapping the fields from Google CM360 to Claravine. Required fields vary depending on the data type you have selected. Common fields to map from are adName, creativeId, creativeName, placementName, siteId, and siteName.
Field Mapping
- Ad ID, Campaign ID, Placement ID, and Campaign Name are required field mappings when adding a CM360 integration to a template. In the Map To fields, select the field names in the template to map this inbound data to. See the list of available inbound fields.
- Click + Add New Mapping to add additional CM360 fields to map with Claravine fields.
- Click Save to save the template.
Watch a Video
Watch a video showing you how to add a CM360 Inbound Integration to a template.
- An Administrator must first connect the Campaign Manager 360 in Integration → Accounts.
Templates: Outbound Configuration
Claravine can automatically send data to CM360 to update naming conventions. The fields that can be updated back in CM360 are:
- Campaign Name
- Placement Name
- Ad Name
- Creative Name
To add Google Campaign Manager 360 Outbound to a template:
- Open the Integration Template in the Templates tab and click Step 3 - Connect.
- Click the plus sign (+) to add a new Outbound integration.
- Click Google CM360.
The Google CM360 configuration section displays.
- Integration Name is a freeform text field.
- Select the Connected Account. This must be done before proceeding to the rest of the setup. (An Administrator must first connect the CM360 Account in Integrations → Accounts.)
- Complete the Data Selection; the data streams include Campaigns, Placements, Ads, and Creatives.
- For Field Mappings, refer to the Fields Available for Integration section for fields supported for sync from a template to CM360.
- Click Save to save the template.
Watch a Video
Watch a video demonstrating how to update a campaign name in outbound integration.
Templates: Legacy Outbound URL Configuration
Claravine can automatically send the Claravine-generated URL back to Google Campaign Manager 360.
To add Campaign Manager 360 Outbound to a template:
- Open the Integration Template in the Templates tab and click Step 3 - Connect.
- Click the plus sign (+) to add a new Outbound integration.
- Click Legacy Google CM360 Clickthrough URL.
The Legacy Google CM360 Clickthrough URL configuration section displays.
- Select the connected CM360 Account.
An Administrator must first connect the CM360 Account in Integrations → Accounts.
- Check the box to Update clickThroughURL in Google Campaign Manager if the Claravine-generated URL should replace the clickThroughURL in CM360.
- Select the template schema field to push back to the Creative or CreativeAssignment clickThroughURL (template Link field).
- Select the Ad ID field to match in CM360. This ensures Claravine updates the correct URL to the correct Ad.
- Select the Creative ID field to match in CM360. This ensures Claravine updates the correct URL to the correct Ad.
- Click Save to save the template.
- Open the Integration Template in the Templates tab and click Step 3 - Connect.
Add New Google Campaign Manager Ads to a Template
Google Campaign Manager integrated templates that have been filtered to a specific Advertiser, Campaign, or Placement will need to continually manage the filters on the template. An Administrator or Manager who has been given Template permission can update the integration template to add new campaigns as needed.
Add a New Filtered GCM Campaign
- Navigate to Settings → Templates.
The Templates page displays.
- Click the name of the Template to edit.
The Edit New Template menu displays.
- Go to Step 3- Connect.
- Expand the Google DCM Inbound Integration menu.
- Update the Limit Import BY ADVERTISERS, Limit Import BY CAMPAIGNS, and/or Limit Import BY PLACEMENTS sections, type the name or use the drop menu to select the Advertiser, Campaign, or Placement to import to this template. Select all that apply (multi-select).
- Click Save to save the template.
- The template will import all mapped data from GCM on the next sync.
Manual syncs require the Administrator to navigate to the Template Dataset View and click Integration → Run Integration.
Daily, Twice Daily, Weekly, and Monthly syncs will run the next day at 6AM EST.
- Navigate to Settings → Templates.
Update the API Key
Generate a New JSON Key for Existing Claravine Doubleclick Service Account
Go to the Google Cloud Service Accounts Page.
Select the project that is currently tied to your Claravine integration.
In the Service Accounts for project page, identify the email account associated with your Claravine integration.
To the far right of the email, click the Actions icon and select Create Key. When prompted, check JSON as the key type. Click Create.
Your JSON file will automatically download and you will see your new key appear under the same email profile.
In the same Service Accounts for project page, click the Actions icon, select Edit for the same services account.
- In the Keys section, delete the old Key. Click Save.
Apply the New JSON Key in Claravine
Click Settings in the Navigation menu.
Click Accounts in the Integrations Sub-Navigation menu.
The Accounts page displays. -
Click the name of the Google Campaign Manager Account you want to modify.
The Edit Account menu displays. -
Upload the new JSON service account key file.
Click Save.
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