Claravine integrates with Pinterest Ads Manager to solve the problem of sprawling advertising data complicated by siloed teams and tools, enabling you to deliver and measure your campaigns. Our platform, The Data Standards Cloud, supports inbound and outbound sync of campaign, ad group, ad and ad account data from Pinterest, making it easy to:
- Automate the import of data
- Accelerate data entry and custom tracking URL building
- Audit and validate data against marketing data standards
- Automatically apply Data Standards to naming conventions in Pinterest
- Pass data downstream for more readable classifications
- Enrich data for improved dimensionality and segmentation in analysis
Once the connector is set up, The Data Standards Cloud automatically syncs and imports specified data from Pinterest and maps this into the appropriate fields in your template(s). From there, you can take a few approaches depending on what your team is looking to accomplish.
You can automatically apply updates to naming conventions in Pinterest and pass data directly to your analytics and BI tools so you can more immediately understand performance in these systems. And, you can enrich this data with additional business-specific metadata before sending it downstream.
You can also create and validate data across various team workflows. For example, generate naming conventions in our platform. Then, set-up campaigns in Pinterest Ads Manager and import this data to validate compliance and add business-specific data from the naming convention workflow. At the same time associate data together for use across workflows, or pass it to your downstream solutions. This type of approach helps you to improve naming compliance while simultaneously putting more accurate, detailed data in the hands of your media and creative teams, and adding important dimensionality to your final analysis in other systems.
Connect Claravine and Pinterest Ads Manager
Note that you must have a Pinterest Business account set up to configure a Pinterest Ads Manager connector. To connect The Data Standards Cloud to Pinterest Ads Manager:
- Confirm that you are logged into Pinterest Ads Manager with the appropriate account with access to your marketing campaigns.
- Navigate to Settings → Integrations → Accounts.
The Accounts page displays. - Click the plus sign (+) in the top left to create a new account.
The Create Connected Account menu displays. - Enter the following information for the account:
- Name
- Description (optional). We recommend entering a description to make it easier to determine the use of the Account when creating targets.
- Select the Pinterest tile as the account type.
The Pinterest sync page opens, asking to continue. - Click Continue As ... or log into another account.
- Click Save and Connect Account.
The Pinterest Ads Manager authorization page opens asking to Authorize Access. - Click Give Access.
- Click Save.
Pinterest Ads Manager Fields Available for Integration
The integration allows specific fields in Pinterest to automatically import data into a connected template. Below is a list of supported fields and attributes you can map data from/to in Pinterest Ads Manager.
API Field Name Field Label Description Req'd Inbound Outbound id
Campaign ID The unique identifier of the campaign Y ✔ ✔ name
Campaign Name Name of the campaign ✔ ✔ objectiveType
Objective Type The objective type of the campaign. View options. ✔ type
Campaign Type View options. ✔ status
Campaign Status The status of the campaign. View options. ✔ adAccountId
Ad Account ID Unique identifier to the advertiser of the campaign ✔ ✔ createdTime
Campaign Created Time The date the campaign was created ✔ trackingUrls_
audienceVerificationAudience Verification Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
buyableButtonBuyable Button Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_click
Click Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
engagementEngagement Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
impressionImpression Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ orderLineId
Order Line ID The order line ID of the campaign ✔ lifetimeSpendCap
Lifetime Spend Cap Campaign total spending cap. ✔ dailySpendCap
Daily Spend Cap Campaign daily spending cap. ✔ Integration filters you can apply to campaign data synced from Pinterest are:
- Campaigns
- Campaign Status
- Created Time
- Start Time
- End Time
- Ad Accounts
- Objective Type
API Field Name Field Label Description Req'd Inbound Outbound id
Ad ID Unique identifier for the ad Y ✔ ✔ name
Ad Name Name of the ad ✔ ✔ status
Ad Status Status of ad review. View options. ✔ type
Ad Type Always 'PIN_PROMOTION'. ✔ createdTime
Ad Created Time Date and time when the ad was created ✔ creativeType
Ad Creative Type Restricts the types of eligible pins for the campaign. View options. ✔ summaryStatus
Ad Summary Status Finer-grained status of the ad. Typically includes more options. ✔ adAccountId
Ad Account ID Unique identifier to the associated ad account ✔ ✔ isPinDeleted
Ad Pin Deleted Indicator whether the original pin is deleted. ✔ isRemovable
Ad Removable Configuration setting determining whether pin is re-pinnable. ✔ adGroupId
Ad Group ID Unique identifier to the associated ad group ✔ campaignId
Ad Campaign ID Unique identifier to the associated campaign ✔ carouselAndroid
DeepLinksCarousel Android Deep Links Comma-separated deep links for the carousel pin on Android. ✔ carouselDestination
UrlsCarousel Destination URLS Comma-separated destination URLs for the carousel pin to promote. ✔ carouselIosDeepLinks
Carousel iOS Deeplinks Comma-separated deep links for the carousel pin on iOS. ✔ viewTrackingUrl
Ad View Tracking URL Tracking URL for ad impressions. ✔ pinId
Ad Pin ID ✔ clickTrackingUrl
Ad Click Tracking URL Tracking url for ad clicks. ✔ rejectedReasons
Ad Rejected Reasons ✔ rejectionLabels
Ad Rejection Labels ✔ reviewStatus
Ad Review Status Status of ad review. View options. ✔ destinationUrl
Ad Destination URL Destination URL. ✔ trackingUrls_
buyableButtonBuyable Button Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_click
Click Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
engagementEngagement Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
impressionImpression Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
audienceVerificationAudience Verification Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ collectionItems
DestinationUrlTemplateCollection Items Destination URL Template ✔ Integration filters you can apply to ad data synced from Pinterest are:
- Ads
- Ad Status
- Created Time
- Updated Time
- Ad Accounts
- Campaigns
- Ad Groups
Ad Groups
API Field Name Field Label Description Req'd In-bound Out-bound id
Ad Group ID Unique identifier for the ad group Y ✔ ✔ name
Ad Group Name Name of the ad group ✔ ✔ campaignId
Ad Group Campaign ID Unique identifier to the campaign of the ad group ✔ status
Ad Group Status Status of the ad group ✔ createdTime
Ad Group Created Time Date and time when the ad group was created ✔ adAccountId
Ad Account ID Unique identifier of the associated ad account ✔ ✔ startTime
Ad Group Start Time Start time of the ad group ✔ endTime
Ad Group End Time End time of the ad group ✔ type
Ad Group Type ✔ trackingUrls_
clickClick Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
buyableButtonBuyable Button Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
engagementEngagement Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_audience
VerificationAudience Verification URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ trackingUrls_
impressionImpression Tracking URL Up to three tracking URLs are supported for each event type. Tracking URLs set at the ad group or ad level can override those set at the campaign level. For more information, see Third-party and dynamic tracking. ✔ lifetime
FrequencyCapLifetime Frequency Cap ✔ autoTargeting
EnabledAuto Targeting Enabled Enable auto-targeting for ad group. Also known as "expanded targeting". ✔ bidInMicro
CurrencyBid in Micro Currency Bid price in micro currency. Required for the following campaign objective_type/billable_event
✔ budgetInMicro
CurrencyBudget in Micro Currency Budget in micro currency. Required for non-CBO (campaign budget optimization) campaigns. A CBO campaign automatically generates ad group budgets from its campaign budget to maximize campaign outcome. ✔ billableEvent
Ad Group Billable Event Ad group billable event type. View options. ✔ budgetType
Ad Group Budget Type The budget type of the ad group. ✔ pacingDeliveryType
Ad Group Pacing Delivery Type Pacing delivery type. View options. With 'ACCELERATED', an ad group budget is spent as fast as possible. With 'STANDARD', an ad group budget is spent smoothly over a day. ✔ placementGroup
Ad Group Placement Group ✔ conversion
LearningModeTypeConversion Learning Mode Type The learning mode type of the ad group. View options. ✔ summaryStatus
Ad Group Summary Status View options. ✔ targetingSpec_
property1Targeting Spec Property 1 Ad group targeting specification defining the ad group target audience. For example, '{"APPTYPE":["iphone"], "GENDER":["male"], "LOCALE":["en-US"], "LOCATION":["501"], "AGE_BUCKET":["25-34"]}'
✔ targetingSpec_
property2Targeting Spec Property 2 Ad group targeting specification defining the ad group target audience. For example, '{"APPTYPE":["iphone"], "GENDER":["male"], "LOCALE":["en-US"], "LOCATION":["501"], "AGE_BUCKET":["25-34"]}'
✔ feedProfileId
Ad Group Feed Profile ID ✔ Integration filters you can apply to ad group data synced from Pinterest are:
- Ad Groups
- Ad Group Status
- Created Time
- Start Time
- End Time
- Ad Accounts
- Campaigns
Ad Accounts
API Field Name Field Label Description Req'd Inbound Outbound id
Ad Accounts ID Y ✔ N/A name
Ad Accounts Name ✔ N/A owner_username
Ad Accounts Owner Username ✔ N/A country
Ad Accounts Country ✔ N/A currency
Ad Accounts Currency ✔ N/A Integration filters you can apply to ad account data synced from Pinterest are:
- Created Time
- Updated Time
Template: Inbound Integration Configuration
Claravine can import Ad Account, Campaign, Ad Group, and Ad IDs, Names, and additional metadata directly from Pinterest Ads Manager, avoiding manual exports, then pass data downstream for more readable classifications and enriched data for improved dimensionality and segmentation in analysis.
Administrators will create one template per Data Type (Ad Account, Campaign, Ad Group, Ad).
Watch a video showing you how to add an Pinterest Ads Manager Inbound Integration to a template:
To add Ads Manager Inbound to a template:
- An Administrator must first connect Pinterest Ads in Settings→Integrations→Accounts.
- Open or create the integration template in the Templates topical menu. The template must contain all ID fields, platform Name fields, and any additional metadata fields in Step 2 Define and Govern.
- Click Step 3 - Connect.
- Click + to add a new inbound integration.
- Click Pinterest Inbound.
The Pinterest Ads Inbound configuration section displays. - Select the connected Pinterest Ads Manager Account from the drop-down list.
- Select the Data Selection type. You may only select one inbound data type per template.
- Ad Accounts
- Ad Groups
- Ads
- Campaigns
- Sync Schedule defaults to Every 8 hours.
Field Mapping
1. The ID field is a required field mapping when adding a Pinterest Ads integration to a template. In the Map To fields, select the field name in the template to map this inbound data to.
2. Click + Add New Mapping to add additional Ads Manager fields to map with Claravine fields. Refer to the list of available inbound fields.
3. Click Save to save the template.
Repeat these steps for the other Data Types; you will have one inbound data template for Ad Accounts, one inbound data template for Campaigns, one inbound data template for Ad Groups, and one inbound data template for Ads.
What's Next:
- Build a Pinterest Ads “Join” template to compile the Ad Account, Campaign, Ad Group, and Ad data together.
- Learn how users would review and submit inbound integration data in the Pending menu.
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