Pick Lists - Drop Down

Rebekah Garner
Rebekah Garner
  • Updated

Pick lists are a powerful way to organize the organization’s standardized allowed metadata to be presented on a submission table. Users are able to select field values from a predetermined list which adds convenience in the submission process and provides consistent metadata values for accurate and cleaner reporting.

About Drop Down Pick Lists

Drop Down lists are only one column wide.

Example Use Case:

Create the Drop Down Pick List

  1. Click Settings on the Navigation menu.

  2. Click Pick Lists in the Elements Sub-Navigation menu.
    The Pick Lists page displays.

  3. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new List.
    The Edit Pick List menu displays.

  4. Enter the List Name and Description (optional) in the designated fields.
    We recommend entering a description to make it easier to determine the use of the list.

  5. The List Type defaults to Drop Down.

  6. Input or copy the values.

  7. Click Save.

Associate a New or Existing Field to the Drop Down Pick List

  1. Open the appropriate Field Set for the corresponding field.

  2. If the field does not exist in the field set: Click Add New Field (+) icon at the top-right of the work area.

    Enter the Name (required)
  3. If the field does exist in the field set: Click the Field Name in the work area to edit.

  4. Description (optional). The Description shows as a tool tip in the Submission Table.

  5. Select Required Field (optional). The field will be mandatory for the user to fill in.

  6. Select the Type as List.

  7. Select the Pick List Name from the drop down menu or begin typing the pick list name.

  8. Click Done.

  9. Click Save.

Add the Field to the Template

The field must be added to the template schema if it is not already.

  1. Open the Template to which you want to add the field with the newly associated list.

  2. Go to Step 2 - Define and Govern.

  3. Click + Select Fields.

  4. Click the menu expander arrow to view and select individual fields.

    Use the Search field to find a specific field name across all Field Sets.

  5. Click Select Fields.

  6. Arrange the field in the order of where you want it to appear on the Submission Table.

  7. Click Save.

User Experience

Below is an example of the drop down list as the user will see it in the submission table:

The user will double click the cell to expand the pick list or begin typing the pick list value (e.g. "go" to find Google). Typing the value will filter the available values to those that match what is typed. The user can tab or arrow out of the cell to apply the selection and move to the next cell.

Using Multiple Value Select with Drop Down Pick List

An administrator must designate a field to allow multi-select from a pick list and insert the designated delimiter. Multiple Value Select allows users to select two or more allowed values from the pick list and populate the data consistently. Regardless of the order of the user's selections, Claravine always populates the concatenated value in alphabetical order with the designated delimiter.

Using the Paid Search Source list above, if the user selects Google, then Yandex, then Bing, Claravine will populate the string with Bing first, Google, then Yandex. This removes any possible fragmented metadata in analytics by always concatenating alphabetically.

Note that if you use the same delimiter in the list values as one between multi-select list values, it will cause an error. For instance, If you set a Select Multiple Values to use a dash (-) as a delimiter, and have a list value containing a dash, such as "Kick-Off," you will see an error saying "Value not in list."

Apply Multiple Value Select to a Field

  1. Click the field name to edit.

  2. Check the box to Select Multiple Values.

  3. Enter the Delimiter. It is not recommended to use a space delimiter.

  4. Click Done.

  5. Click Save.

User Experience

Below is an example of the multiple select drop down list as the user will see it in the submission table:

The user will double-click in the cell to expand the pick list and click on all values that apply. The user can click the X next to each value to remove them individually, or uncheck the box next to the value.


As the user makes selections, Claravine will alphabetize the selections in that cell and when the user moves out of the cell, the appropriate delimiter will automatically appear.


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