Field Sets is where Administrators can create the fields to be used in the Submission Table, define the field's data type, and add governance, formatting, and restrictions.
Pick Lists provide a defined list of allowable entries the user can select from.
Select the Pick List from the drop-down menu either by scrolling or begin typing the Pick List name. You can also select "Create New List".
If the list you want to use has more than one column, you must specify which column you want the list to populate from. Every column of the Pick List should be mapped to a field in the Field Set.
- Use the Import from List button in the Field Set to import all columns of the Pick List
For more information read the Pick List Overview article or for more detailed instructions for each of the pick list types see their respective articles:Pick List - Drop Down, Pick List - Dependent, Pick List - Drill Down.
The Auto Number generates a sequential number to ensure the tracking code or key is unique with this pattern.
Set the start number and width (leading 0s).
When 001 reaches 999, Claravine will automatically add another digit, the next integer would be 1000
Select the field you want to automatically duplicate.
Select the field you want to automatically duplicate.
Options in this section auto-transform entries from the auto filled field.
- Transform: Convert Case: Select uppercase to have all text display in capital letters and lowercase to have all text display in lowercase.
- Transform: Spaces: Select how spaces auto-transformed. Options are:
- None - For no transformation.
- Replace Spaces - Replaces all spaces the user enters with a character you determine. (Summer_Bash)
- Remove Spaces - Removes all spaces from the text the user enters. (SummerBash)
Concatenation allows you to combine the values from two or more fields.
Concatenation allows you to combine the values from two or more fields. You can specify what character you want as a separator, or to not use a separator between concatenated fields.
Click the +ADD FIELD button to add as many fields as needed for the concatenation.
Select from the drop-down list of field names to designate the order of the concatenation.
Separator - (Optional) Specify what character you want to be placed between each field of the concatenation. Click the X to not use a separator.
Select from the drop-down list of field names to designate the order of the concatenation.
Separator - (Optional) Specify what character you want to be placed between each field of the concatenation. Click the X to not use a separator.
Specify a constant value to always populate in this field in the Submission Table.
Calendar widget or input dates convert to set date format.
Configure how you want your date formatted by using the following date parameters:
- Order: Select the order in which the date displays.
(M/D/Y, Y/D/M, D/M/Y, or Y/M/D)
- Month Format: Select the format of the month to format numerically 1-12 does not display a preceding zero for months <10 (ex. 5 for May)
01-12 displays a preceding zero for months <10 (ex. 05 for May) Jan-Dec displays the month's 3 character abbreviation January-December displays the month's full name None to prevent the month from being displayed.
- Day Format: Select the format to display the day:
1-31 does not display a preceding zero for days <10 (ex. "5" instead of "05") 01-31 displays a preceding zero for days <10 (ex. "05" instead of "5") None to prevent the day from being displayed.
- Year Format: Select the format of the year to display:
00-99 displays a 2-digit year format (ex. "19" for 2019) 0000-9999 displays a 4-digit year format (ex. "2019") None to prevent the year from being displayed.
- Separator: Specify what character you want to separate the date or delete the value if you want no separator between them.
- Auto populate to current date upon submission: Select this checkbox if you want the date automatically populated upon submission.
Text fields allow users to manually enter values.
Specify the following parameters for text fields:
- Show Previous Values: Select this option if you want a new value to be added to a dynamic list gathering values entered through a submission.
- Flag New Values: Select this option if you want users to be alerted that the value they entered has not been used in that field before. Users have the option to continue and submit the value. If they proceed the new value will be added to the list for next time.
- Use list to provide suggestions: You can specify a drop-down (single column) pick list to populate suggestions for users to choose from, or they can enter their own text.
Options in this section establish governance over text entered in this field. If the text does not match any of the governance, the user will receive an error and must correct the text to match the requirement before proceeding.
- Begins/Ends With: Enter the prefix or suffix you want text fields to be required to begin and/or end with. *Case sensitive
- Must Contain: Enter the value you want text fields to always include. *Case sensitive
- Exclude: Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate checkboxes to exclude all letters, all numbers, all symbols (special characters and punctuation), or spaces from the value.
- Custom Exclusion: Enter a custom value you want to exclude from the field. *Case sensitive
- Exclude as term - Check this box to exclude the Custom Exclusion combination of characters entered above. This makes the text field act as a "Must not include". For example, if we have set Toy as an exclude term, Toyota would receive a warning. The exclusion is case sensitive.
Options in this section auto-transform entries the user enters to gain consistent entries in open text fields.
- Transform: Convert Case: Select uppercase to have all text display in capital letters and lowercase to have all text display in lowercase.
- Transform: Spaces: Select how spaces should be auto-transformed. Options are:
- None - For no transformation.
- Replace Spaces - Allows you to specify a symbol or character to replace any spaces in an entry. (Summer_Bash)
- Remove Spaces - Removes all spaces from the field after the user enters a value. (SummerBash)
Options in this section define the length of characters a user is allowed to enter in open text fields.
- Length: Type: Select what type of length restriction. Options are:
- Range - Enter the range of characters allowed in this field. Enter a number in the "From" and "To" fields.
If this is an optional field, your From character limit should be 0 to allow for a blank cell.
- Exact - Enter the exact number of characters allowed in this field.
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